We recently synced up with Eric to continue our brand new #LifeAtenergyware series, where we learn all about our visionaries of energy efficiency.
Tell us about your beginning at energyware.
I am energyware’s first ever employee and helped start the company with the previous owner. We met through an electrical contractor that was a customer of mine at the time, discussed energy efficiency and how much potential the market had, and then energyware was born shortly thereafter.
How have you stayed positive & productive during the pandemic?
Before COVID a huge part of my normal responsibilities at energyware was traveling, so at first getting some extended time at home felt kind of nice. That got old in about 2 weeks and I started going a little stir-crazy. energyware stayed busy which allowed me to keep a good structure to my day with a clear personal time/work time division.
What do you love about Renewable Energy?
My passion for this industry comes from the positive impact it has on the world. By helping to reduce harmful emissions and waste I believe I’m helping to slow down and fight against the dangerous effects of climate change and all the pollution we introduce into the world every day.
Share something interesting about your recent certification pursuit.
Studying for the NASCLA and the multiple state contracting and business law exams that accompany it has been a humbling experience. There is a lot to keep track of and learning about aspects of construction that energyware doesn’t typically get involved with (carpentry, masonry, drywall, etc.) has really been eye opening for exactly how intricate and precise every aspect of building even a simple structure is.
How do you feel about the recent changes in energyware? (New CEO, products, logo, website, etc?)
energyware is entering a new era for the company and I couldn’t be more excited! Jake Jacques, the new CEO, is a world class individual both in and out of the office and leading the charge as we transition from an LED lighting focused company to a more complete energy efficiency company. Adding renewable energy solutions, HVAC solutions, and water conservation really turns energyware into a one stop shop for all things energy efficiency.
What do you want people to know about energy Efficiency?
How much good it does! By changing how we generate power to cut down on the incredible amount of pollution that comes from traditional energy production means we can make a huge positive impact on the world. By working hard to reduce our demand for energy we take stress off power production and reduce that pollution even further, creating a more efficient and effective system from front to back.
What do you want your customers to remember about you?
Above all else I want my customers to have the best possible experience working with me and with energyware. I want them to know they can trust us to do the right things and bring them the ideal solutions to their energy efficiency needs.
What would you nickname yourself?
The guys on my hockey team just call me “EB”, but when I was a kid I had really bright blond hair that earned me the nickname “lemonhead” from my dad.
Favorite superhero?
Eric Bilotta
Director of Lighting Solutions
Experience At energyware™:
Five Years – energyware™’s First Employee
Tell Us About Energy Efficiency:
By working hard to reduce our demand for energy we take stress off power production and reduce that pollution even further, creating a more efficient and effective system from front to back.